We left Europe in turmoil following the French Revolution, and now we’ll see how the effects rippled outward, all across the world. In the United States, attitudes to the French Revolution generally split along party lines. Thomas Jefferson and his Democrat-Republicans were fine with killing a king occasionally, and they were still grateful to America’s old ally France for helping free them from the British. Jefferson served as the American envoy to France during the French Revolution and he had helped Lafayette write the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
The Federalists, on the other hand, held a businessman’s fear of revolution by the masses, and they appreciated America’s traditional roots in (and profitable trade with) Great Britain. While Federalists like George Washington and John Adams were in charge, the United States was decidedly pro-British and anti-Jacobin. In fact, during the French Revolution, the United States stopped paying its war debt to France, arguing that the debt was owed to the king (deceased) and the crown (toppled) and not to the hooligans who had taken control of the French nation.
1794, a controversial treaty negotiated by special envoy John
Jay patched up America’s disputes with Great Britain, but
angrily divided American public opinion. Protests erupted.
Effigies of Jay were hanged and burned all across the United
States. The debate grew so heated that, after Frederick
Muhlenberg, America’s first Speaker of the House, cast the
tie-breaking vote as chairman of the House committee that
ratified the treaty, his brother-in-law stabbed him while
arguing with him about it
the Jay Treaty settled America’s differences with the British
amicably, the French decided that this made the Americans
allies of Britain and fair game for a trade war. The French
broke diplomatic relations with the United States and
authorized their privateers to seize American commercial
shipping. The US started retaliating in July 1798 and for the
next couple of years, France and America regularly hijacked
each other’s civilian shipping and blasted each other’s
warships. It was called the Quasi War because it was never
formally declared, planned or coordinated. At least 2000 ships
changed hands and 300 men were killed and wounded in
ship-to-ship broadsides before everyone got tired of it and
agreed to stop in September 1800.ⓐ
in all, this did not bode well for the future relations
between democracies. In 1798, there were only two democracies
in the world, thousands of miles apart, yet somehow they had
gotten into a war with each other. Not a great selling point
for a new, untested form of government.
But hang on. Does Revolutionary France even count as a democracy?
In one sense, it was democratic by definition. For the next hundred years, whenever people used the word “democracy”, they specifically meant a society like Revolutionary France with all the baggage that carried -- noisy debate, universal voting rights and popular sovereignty of course, but also mob rule, obnoxiously defamatory press and the guillotine – much the same way we mean the Soviet Union and not the idealized society envisioned by Karl Marx when we say “communist”.
And they were sort of right. Between the fall of King Louis XVI and the rise of Napoleon, all the forms of democratic governing were in place, even if they didn’t always function as well as we might hope. In fact, for some of those years, Revolutionary France briefly settled into levels of democratic governance that compared favorably to anything else the world would see before the 20th Century. From the Constitution of 1791 until the sans-culottes took over the Convention by force (that is, from September 1791 to June 1793) the country functioned rather democratically, as it did again from August 1795 to September 1797 under the Constitution of Year III until the Coup of 18 Fructidor when the Directory decided to nullify elections that didn’t go their way.
On the other hand, France during the Revolution was definitely not democratic by today’s standards. Aside from gender and taxpaying qualifications for voting rights, and rampant capital punishment for political crimes, the nation was too shaky and volatile to establish stable democratic rule for very long.
1801 Thomas Jefferson became president of the United States,
which shifted the United States from the pro-British to the
pro-French side of the field. The most immediately visible
result of this was that Napoleon sold Louisiana to Jefferson in
order to raise some quick cash and to unload a vast territory
that was useless to him as long as the British navy kept him
from properly exploiting it. This instantly doubled the size of
the United States.
As we saw with the Quasi War, America had difficulty staying out of the European wars because both France and Britain used blockades and embargoes to weaken their enemies. America had the largest neutral merchant fleet and was trading profitably with both sides, much to the annoyance of the great powers. On the high seas and along the coasts of continental Europe, the British tried to bully the Americans into doing what they were told and not undermining the British war effort.
On top of their blockades, tariffs, fees, searches and long lists of contraband, the British practice of impressment was especially nettlesome to the Americans. To keep their warships fully staffed in times of crisis, the British navy sent press gangs to fill personnel gaps by rudely seizing trained seamen anywhere they found them – inns, docks, pubs and the street. The navy only wanted experienced crews and British subjects, so landsmen and foreigners were theoretically immune from impressment. Since navy pay was lower and discipline stricter than on merchant ships, few sailors would serve voluntarily, and many who had been forced into the navy would jump ship whenever they got to a neutral port. As their crews dwindled away, ships of the Royal Navy needing to restaff would simply stop whatever unarmed merchant ships they encountered on the high seas and grab a few sailors, often justified as reclaiming deserters.
American ships were prime targets because their sailors already spoke English and were often indistinguishable from ordinary Brits. The manpower hunger caused by the Napoleonic Wars had resulted in the Royal Navy taking some 9,000 sailors of disputed citizenship from American merchant ships.
On June 1, 1812 in a speech to Congress, President James Madison, a Democrat-Republican, poured out all the grievances that America had accumulated against Britain. Although he did not specifically call for war, the House of Representatives went into closed session and emerged four days later with a close vote declaring war against Britain. The Senate followed on June 17 with its own close vote for war. The next day, Madison signed the declaration.① The Federalists however were firmly against war with Britain. None had voted for it, and riots broke out in Baltimore, where pro-war mobs attacked a Federalist newspaper that wrote against the war.
Unrelated to the unfolding crisis, British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval was assassinated on May 11 by a crazy man who was angry at the prime minister for ignoring his petitions. The replacement prime minister, Lord Liverpool, formed a new government on June 8, planning to shift to a more conciliatory path with the United States. On June 23, the British government revoked the annoying laws that prohibited American trade with enemy-occupied Europe, but because of the slow sailing across the Atlantic, the Americans didn’t know any of this. Instead, they invaded Canada.
For about a month, the British government went happily about its business, assuming that the crisis was over. Then on July 30, the American declaration of war arrived in London. This was soon followed by news that the British troops in Canada were already fighting Americans all around the Great Lakes. There was no turning back now.
the next couple of years, poorly led American armies kept
banging uselessly up against Canada, failing to make any deep
dent in the British forces, while British forces were having the
same weak results when attacking southward into Michigan and
Ohio. A British fleet sailed into the Chesapeake Bay, scattered
the local militia and sacked Washington while President Madison
hid in the countryside. The British follow-up assault against
Baltimore was beaten back at Fort McHenry but the president’s
reputation was about as low as possible.
The disgruntled Federalist opposition organized the Hartford Convention in 1814, and met in secret for three weeks. No minutes of the meeting were kept, but some delegates openly suggested that New England secede from the Union to escape the war and the growing power of the slave-holding states. That talk went nowhere, but the Federalists were determined to end the war. They sent special envoys to Washington with a list of demands, and the Federalist governor of Massachusetts even tried to secretly negotiate a separate peace with the British.
As it turned out, official channels succeeded in ending the war eventually. When the peace treaty was finally signed at Ghent on December 24, 1814, it was little more than an agreement to stop fighting and go back to the status quo ante-bellum. The Americans had scored enough little victories here and there to produce new patriotic songs and a fresh generation of war heroes, but overall, the result of the war was a big zero.
Then came
Andrew Jackson’s stunning victory at New Orleans, the bloodiest
battle of the war. At the climax of the battle on January 8,
1815, lines of advancing British were cut apart by American
muskets and cannon, and the most strategic single point in North
America was saved. The battle was entirely unnecessary in
military terms since the peace treaty had already been signed,
although news of the treaty was still traveling slowly across
the ocean from the conference in the Netherlands; therefore,
news of the victory at New Orleans arrived in American cities
before news of the peace treaty, so it sounded like Andrew
Jackson single-handedly won the war and kept the British from
reconquering the young nation. In political terms, it changed
the war from a pointless stalemate to a glorious victory in “The
Second War of Independence”. It made the war suddenly popular in
hindsight, so now the electorate turned against the defeatist
traitors who had opposed the war. The Federalist Party
collapsed, leaving the US a one-party state for a while.
Thus began the Era of Good Feelings, so-called because there wasn’t all that loud partisan bickering that poisons political discourse in multiparty nations. In 1820 the new Democrat-Republican president James Monroe was reelected without opposition, only one vote short of unanimous (one elector broke ranks simply because he personally disliked Monroe).
It wasn’t just North America that was being buffeted by winds from Europe. When Napoleon conquered Spain in 1808, the Spanish colonies were left to fend for themselves. They got used to it pretty quickly and were less docile when the Spanish tried to take them back after the war. Within ten years, all the Spanish colonies on the American mainland had staked out their independence.
The various wars for independence were bloody and complicated. In the province of New Granada (which included Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela), multiple independent rebel armies fought the Spanish - and sometimes each other - from 1813 to 1819. Eventually, all of the rebels lined up behind Simon Bolivar. The bright, bold, inspirational heir of a wealthy Venezuelan family, with proud Creole sideburns, Bolivar ultimately led the nation to victory and independence. The 1821 constitution of New Granada (renamed Gran Colombia) abolished slavery, stripped governmental power from the Catholic Church and the Inquisition and gave the vote to men of property. Although Bolivar believed in self-rule for his people, he did not believe that Spanish America was ready for full unsupervised democracy.
Bolivar became the first president. Rather than get bogged down
actually running things, Bolivar set off to spread more
revolution across Latin America, fighting new battles in Peru
and getting Bolivia named after him, leaving the day-to-day
governing of Gran Columbia to his vice president and
revolutionary right hand Francisco de Paula Santander, often
writing home to ask Santander to send more soldiers and money.
Bolivar hoped to liberate and unify all of South America into a vast continental republic even though it was difficult enough just holding Gran Colombia together. Vice President Santander suspected that Gran Colombia was too big and heading for a break-up. So was the team of Bolivar and Santander. While Bolivar was off being a hero, Santander was stuck dealing with Congress, squashing incipient counterrevolutions, and trying to build a stable government.
Santander has a mixed reputation among historians. Although hard-working, methodical and devoutly republican, Santander quickly alienated and annoyed many of his compatriots by also being “sullen, calculating, peevish and far too much in love with money”. ⓑ Without Bolivar watching over him, Santander made many mistakes, like when he panicked over conspiracy rumors and executed a whole jail full of Spanish prisoners that Bolivar had been saving to exchange for Colombian prisoners. Santander generally found support among anti-clerical liberals in their ongoing fight against Catholic conservatives. A former law student, Santander hoped to mold Gran Colombia into a modern nation based on laws and solid democratic principles.
As Santander told the Colombians. “Weapons have given you independence, Laws will give you freedom.”
wanted a federal state with powers spread out locally and
clearly limited by the constitution; however, Bolivar felt that
the people needed a firm hand. After returning to take charge of
Gran Colombia, he constantly bickered with Santander.
Finally, Bolivar declared himself dictator in August 1828 and
immediately abolished the office of vice-president, stripping
all authority from Santander. In September, Bolivar survived an
assassination attempt, so he promptly arrested his former
vice-president. Since there was no actual evidence that
Santander was involved, Bolivar had to let him go and make do
with exiling him. Santander later admitted he knew about the
plot but wasn’t involved in it.
Towards the end of his life, Bolivar decided that “America is ungovernable… Those who have served the Revolution have plowed the sea.” Even Bolivar’s strong hand had difficulty holding the country together.
In 1830, Bolivar died and Gran Colombia crumbled into the countries we know today. Drifting back from exile, Santander was elected president of (just plain) Colombia. He left office in 1836, and retired to the Senate, but after the voters rejected his chosen successor, his influence dwindled. Santander died in 1840, his historical reputation tarnished by his continuous squabbling with Bolivar and by several bad decisions while in charge. These two contrary founding fathers would become the spiritual forerunners of the two parties that came to dominate politics in Colombia – Bolivar for the Conservatives and Santander for the Liberals.
Ultimately Mexico would prove to be rather typical of Latin America during this era, which means that it doesn’t really belong in a history of democracy except to illustrate all the myriad ways in which democracy can go wrong.
When Mexico secured its independence from Spain in 1820 after a bloody civil war, the winning general almost immediately declared himself emperor of Mexico. It took a couple of years for republicans to pry him loose, after which Mexico set itself up with the Constitution of 1824 as a loose republican federation under a weak presidency. This sparked a revolving door of ambitious generals and oligarchs wrestling each other into and out of the presidency without much concern for constitutional niceties. Finally, in 1835, power fell on General Antonio López de Santa Anna who centralized power into his own hands and started to bring all the Mexican states under tighter control; however, the individual states liked their autonomy, so several pulled out of the federation. Santa Anna easily crushed most of the rebellions.
Only in Texas
did the local independence movement take root and hold on. The
local Anglo-American settlers who had migrated over the border
from the United States put up a stiff fight, and they humiliated
Santa Anna’s army of reconquest, taking him prisoner at
the end and forcing him to sign a treaty in their favor. After
winning their war of independence, the Texans requested
annexation by the United States, but the northern half of the
United States did not want to take in another slave state like
Because the United States
didn’t want to absorb Texas, it spent the next decade, by
default, as the independent Republic of Texas, which was
every bit as democratic as its neighbors and cousins in the
United States. The Republic of Texas had universal white male
suffrage right from the start, contested elections and an
enormous national debt that made annexation by the US
increasingly attractive. Eventually politics in the United
States turned around, so the Texans got their way and were
allowed to join the United States in 1845.
Back in what was left of
Mexico after the loss of Texas, Santa Anna was out, and
parliamentary rule returned to Mexico. They tried democracy
again and in 1847 established full male suffrage for the 1848
elections. Still, dictators and oligarchies came and went. The
only period of 19th Century Mexican history that could claim to
be even remotely democratic was the so-called Reforma, which
began when General Santa Anna was overthrown in 1855 after he
had taken another turn as dictator. A mostly democratic
constitution was adopted in 1857, but liberals and conservatives
immediately started a war about it in 1858 (The Reform War).
Then as soon as Benito Juarez and the liberals came out ahead in
1861, France invaded to collect some overdue debts before Juarez
could get settled. French Emperor Napoleon III installed a
puppet emperor from Austria (Maximillian) to run things until
yet another civil war put Juarez back in charge and Maximillian
in front of a firing squad. Under Juarez, democracy of a sort
finally took hold in 1867 and passed peacefully to one successor
until 1876 when General Porfirio Díaz overthrew the civilian
president and became dictator for the rest of the century.
-- Matthew White
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① Notice that at this point in American history, Congress was more likely than the president to be calling the shots. They declared the war and dragged the president along rather than vice versa, as happens nowadays.
② Slavery was vital to the good life in Texas, as it was everywhere else in the Cotton Belt of the southern states. Although Mexico abolished slavery when it became independent, it kept several lesser forms of legal subordination, such as indentured servitude (contract slavery) and peonage (debt slavery). Under these loopholes, settlers from the US could sneak slaves into Texas by calling them something else. Slavery was a major cultural difference between the Texans and Mexicans and contributed to the friction between them, but it was not an openly declared cause of the Texan Revolt as it was 25 years later when Texas and the rest of the South rebelled against the US. Upon independence, the constitution of the Texas Republic legalized slavery outright and prohibited anyone from setting their slaves free, unless they sent them out of the country where they would become someone else’s problem.
ⓐ Casualties in the Quasi War. French: L’Insurgente, 70 K&W (Feb. 1799). Le Berceau, 52 K&W. Vengeance, 100 K&W (Feb. 1800). American: Navy: 14 KIA, 31 WIA. Marines: 6 KIA, 11 WIA. TOTAL: 62 US, 222 FR.
ⓑ Marie Arana, Bolivar: American Liberator (Simon and Schuster, 2013) p. 241
Copyright © January 2018 by Matthew White